Bell Program History

Phase V

Via a competitive application-selection process, to enhance the sustainability of Gestión de Riesgo programs and extend their breadth and depth at selected universities in the LAC region by (1) supporting advanced education and training for a small number of carefully selected individuals committed to disaster/emergency management careers upon completion of their degree programs, (2) encouraging and supporting new applied research in risk analysis, hazards, and disasters, and (3) encouraging outreach, academic alliances, and partnerships in Gestión de Riesgo. Click here for more information.

Phase IV

A 2008 solicitation for program support proposals in risk management with a special focus on university involvement in “communities of practice,” (new or strengthen existing university-level education programs).

Two categories

  • Major project proposals had a fully developed structure. Awards up to $20,000 each.
  • Capacity-building project proposals were smaller or preliminary initiatives involving efforts to build capacities in risk management. Awards up to $5,000 each.

Fifteen proposals received, three “major” (Universities in Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Peru) and 3 “capacity-building” (Universities in Colombia, Guatemala, and Peru). Click here for more information.

Phase III

Solicitation for program support proposals in Gestión de Riesgo (“Risk Management”) from universities in Central America and the Caribbean. Award to Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), a 9-institution system with a center based in Costa Rica. Click here for more information.

Phase II

Solicitation for program support proposals in Gestión de Riesgo (“Risk Management”) from universities in South America. Award to the Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Manizales in cooperation with the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña in Spain.

Phase I

Assessment on Disaster/Risk Management in LAC Region Higher Education.