Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Propuesta de Fortalecimiento Del Programa De Especialización en Gerencia Prevención y Atención de Desastres de La Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

The Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira –U.T.P. (Risaralda- Colombia) is a public university created in 1958. It offers thirty-one college majors, fourteen masters programs, and two doctoral programs. The university has been offering undergraduate and graduate courses on risks of disasters management through its departments of Environmental Science and Health Science. The university offers a specialization in Management, Prevention, and Response to Disasters in its Medical School. The university also offers courses on risk management at the undergraduate level, through its program on Environmental Administration, and at the graduate level, through its program on Local Environment Management. In 2003, U.T.P. created a committee, composed of numerous institutions, to discuss topics related to risk management. Since 2005, an interdisciplinary groups at U.T.P. to study risk management.

Project objectives are:

  • To develop as specialists 10 (ten) professionals of the Comite Tematico Departamental del Riesgo.
  • To carry out 10 (ten) graduate student projects that deal with the study of risk scenarios in some of the municipalities from the Department of Risaralda, with possible intervention in local risk management.
  • Formulation and implementation of seminars and workshops on risk management and socialization of the graduate projects with the participation of political actors (municipal councils), administrators (municipal government agencies), academics, and non-governmental organizations or representatives of civil society.
  • Develop three (3) lines of work that articulate the investigation and the social projections in the following themes: environmental risk awareness, incorporation of risk management in the planning of territorial development; communication and education in risk management.

Jesús Herney Moreno is the Project Investigator. Dr. Moreno is the Director of the Post Graduate program “Especialización en Gerencia en Prevención y Atención de Desastres” He has been involved in the field of health and disasters since the early 1980s. Dr. Moreno has worked at local, sub-national and national level in Colombia, with the Ministry of Health and the Pan American Health Organization.